Getting Started As A Freelance Writer: Where To Apply Best

If you’ve recently selected freelance writing as a career choice, then congratulations on making a good move! The satisfaction that comes with being your own boss is sure to bring you that combination of freedom and self discipline you’ve always wanted for yourself.

But now that you’re a beginner in this industry, where should you go to get started? How can you as a novice get the experience you need to prove yourself and get more work? Most importantly, what jobs should you as a beginner be applying for? Don't worry, popular freelance writing agency created a to-do-list for you.

Where to start

You may choose to focus on one area of job application, but if you’re wise, you’ll spread yourself out on many platforms. See if there are any local freelancing sites you can list yourself on. Send your details to some agencies and follow up with them periodically.

If you feel confident enough about your abilities, sign up to international freelancing sites and then follow the following advice to ensure continual success.

How to get experience

At the beginning of your freelance writing career, you may be forced to write for a very low amount in order to get a foot in the door. But don’t see this as an obstacle, but rather a steppingstone. By working for a low rate, you are adding the following benefits to your career:

  • You are gaining experience in certain niches.
  • You are proving yourself to clients who may wish to keep you on as a regular contributor—allowing you to raise your rates later on.
  • You are proving yourself to future clients because you can showcase your work in order to get business from them.
  • You are getting an idea of what your capabilities are in terms of writing speed, research ability, and self discipline.

Jobs to focus on at the beginning

It is freelancing suicide to waste your time on applying for the wrong projects. As a freelancer, your time is valuable and should be invested in productive applications wherever possible. It is therefore important that you apply for jobs that you know you can handle. The easiest projects are the ones you have some experience with, or the ones that are about a topic you already understand.

Focus on writing projects that:

  • Are easy to research
  • Come easily to you because of your hobbies
  • Are familiar to you because you’ve done similar work before

If you get started right, the sky’s the limit!

Word Press Writer.


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