Freelance Writers Wanted: How To Get Your First Job

People love the idea of joining the world of freelancing and that should not be a surprise. If you think about it, it is actually a pretty tempting job to do! For one, you don’t have to wake up every morning and commute to your workplace because your home is now your office! Secondly, you can sort out your own schedule, which is another big plus!

However, you might be struggling a little bit when you first start out as a freelance writer. This guide is written just for you, so that you have a bit of an idea on how to get your first job.

Impressive profile

Okay, it doesn’t really matter if you are new or not, but you really need to demonstrate to your prospective clients that you are a trustworthy worker and you can deliver high quality contents. That’s why you need to polish up your profile a little bit. This doesn’t mean that you should bluff, but rather be honest and truthful. If you are new, tell your clients that you are new!

You should also include you previous employment, your education and your interests!

Outstanding portfolio

If you really have nothing to put in your portfolio, then skip this step. This doesn’t mean that you can’t secure your first job though!

For those who have written before, you should definitely include all your previous works in your portfolio to show your clients the skills that you have! It could be a project for writing an e-book or some sort of article writing; it doesn’t matter because you need to show your work to the world!

Don’t be shy because your clients are more than willing to read your previous work and they will judge whether you are the right fit for their job!

Don’t push your rates too high

It might be very tempting to be earning a lot of money when you start out, but that would probably cost you a lot of jobs as well. Most clients are not willing to pay a premium price for a new freelance writer so you should be careful about that.

It is actually worth doing to lower your rate under the budget when you first start out as a freelancer. This would help you in securing a few more jobs, build up your reputation and hopefully get good feedback!

Hope this guide has helped you!

Word Press Writer.


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